Complimentary Meet and Greet Visit

These 15 minute meet & greet visits help you decide to see if we are a good fit for you or your child. It gives you the opportunity to ask us any questions that you have about what a naturopathic doctor does, how we practice, and most importantly see if we are the right healthcare providers for you. **Only available with Dr. Brandon Testa, ND


Initial Visit

Get started with your first visit. In this 1 hour long visit, we may make recommendations for standard blood work and in-depth specialized testing to help determine the cause of your symptoms. Using nutrition, lifestyle changes, nutrients, and botanicals, together we create a plan to improve your health and help you meet your goals.

COST: $250-260

Follow up visits

Follow up visits are typically scheduled every 6-8 weeks to check in on your progress. As your health improves, we space our follow up visits out more. Follow up visits can be done in person or virtually.

COST: $125-130